Thursday, March 29, 2012

Targeting Only Specific Moduels with Appverifier

I have always been a proponent of using Appverifier whenever you are debugging your code with Windbg, but lets say you keep hitting verifier breaks in other modules that you aren't currently trying to debug.  Aside from being a good practice to fix all verifier breaks, and it is good to help other teams debug their components, sometimes you just want those breaks to go away to you can focus on your code.  After enabling Appverifier, you can do just that in the debugger.

Lets say you only care about foo.dll.  This is how you can have verifier only enabled on that module.

0:005> !avrf -skp all
Verifier package version >= 3.00
Exclusion ranges and suspend period have been reset.
0:005> !avrf -trg foo

It is that simple.

From Windbg help on !avrf.
-trg [ Start End | dll Module | all ]
Specifies a target range. Start is the beginning address of the target range. End is the ending address of the target range. Module specifies the name (including the .exe or .dll extension, but not including the path) of a module to be targeted. If you enter -trg all, all target ranges are reset. If you enter -trg with no additional parameters, the current target ranges are displayed.
-skp [ Start End | dll Module | all | Time ]
Specifies an exclusion range. Start is the beginning address of the exclusion range. End is the ending address of the exclusion range. Module specifies the name of a module to be targeted or excluded. Module specifies the name (including the .exe or .dll extension, but not including the path) of a module to be excluded. If you enter -skp all, all target ranges or exclusion ranges are reset. If you enter aTime value, all faults are suppressed for Time milliseconds after execution resumes.

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