Tuesday, October 27, 2009

ATL Removal: Part 6 – Replacing CComQIPtr with _com_ptr_t

ATL Removal: Part 6 – Replacing CComQIPtr with _com_ptr_t
In part 4 of ATL removal, I talked about removing CComPtr and replacing it with _com_ptr_t. You may run into some smart pointers in the form of CComQIPtr. CComPtr and CComQIPtr have the same base class and CComQIPtr is a super set of CComPtr. I tried to read up on CComQIPtr in MSDN, but the documentation wasn’t really very helpful. In the code I am working on, CComQIPtr is used to create a smart pointer and then do a QueryInterface hence the QI. I verified this is what goes on by looking through the atlbase.h header file from the SDK.

If you don’t want to depend on ATL in the sense that your binary doesn't load the ATL dlls, the it is fine to still include the .h file, but if you want to purge ATL altogether, read on. Keep in mind _com_ptr_t doesn't do everything that ATL smart pointers, so some extra manual work may still be required. This is an example of a case where the extra legwork is required.

CComQIPtr(IUnknown* lp)
if (lp != NULL)
lp->QueryInterface(*piid, (void **)&p);

Before I had some code that looked like this:
CComQIPtr spLocaclVariable( m_spMemberProperty);

To fix it, I changed it to this:
_com_ptr_t<_com_IIID< IYourInterface, &__uuidof(IYourInterface)> > spLocaclVariable;
if (spMemberProperty)
spMemberProperty ->QueryInterface(__uuidof(IYourInterface), (void**)& spLocaclVariable);

I think this should do the trick for your CComQIPtr smart pointers.

ATL Removal: Part 5 – Changing ATL’s Lock and Unlock to Slim Reader/Writer (SRW) Locks

You may encounter Lock() and Unlock() calls in your ATL based code to synchronize the usage of shared memory amongst your threads. You get these bonus methods thanks to inheriting from ATL base classes (CComObjectRoot). Since we are removing ATL, we will have to find an alternative. Enter Slim Reader/Writer (SRW) locks.

SRW locks are not loaded with tons of features like some of the other locks that Microsoft has to offer ; however, they fast and easy on the memory foot print. In fact, you can consider using SRW locks instead of ATL locking as a performance enhancement. I won’t get into SRW locks here, but you can read more about them on MSDN here:


The first thing to do is add a SRWLOCK member like so:


Then in your class’ constructor add the initialization:


Replace Lock() with this:


And Unlock() with this:


As you can see from the MSDN documentation SRW locks can do more than exclusive locks. You might want to look at these other SRW functions to give your critical sections just the right amount of protection.

The following are the SRW lock functions (from MSDN).

SRW lock functionDescription
AcquireSRWLockExclusiveAcquires an SRW lock in exclusive mode.
AcquireSRWLockSharedAcquires an SRW lock in shared mode.
InitializeSRWLockInitialize an SRW lock.
ReleaseSRWLockExclusiveReleases an SRW lock that was opened in exclusive mode.
ReleaseSRWLockSharedReleases an SRW lock that was opened in shared mode.
SleepConditionVariableSRWSleeps on the specified condition variable and releases the specified lock as an atomic operation.

Monday, October 26, 2009

ATL Removal: Part 4 – Replacing CComPtr with _com_ptr_t

CComPtr (a.k.a. smart pointer) is another helpful template class provided in ATL that is intended to make COM programming easier. CComPtr wraps and abstracts the com object and does all of the lifetime management stuff automatically for you like calling AddRef and Release. Lifetime management is not that tricky to do it on your own. A pattern I like to use is call AddRef when I get passed a com object that I need to use, and then call Release when I am done using it. It’s not very complicated to get it right. Also, just because you are using a CComPtr, it is possible to still screw up the ref count and cause leaks or double frees, so you still need to know what you are doing with them to avoid these issues. Let’s move on to the topic at hand, replacing CComPtr.

Trying to just get rid of CComPtrs and code straight com objects could be a pain since it more about redoing the entire coding pattern of the project instead of modifying declarations. If you don’t want to depend on ATL in the sense that your binary doesn't load the ATL dlls, the it is fine to still include the .h file, but if you want to purge ATL altogether, read on. Keep in mind _com_ptr_t doesn't do everything that ATL smart pointers, so some extra manual work may still be required.

Luckily there is compiler support for non-ATL smart pointers in the form of _com_ptr_t that will allow us to change the declarations instead of the coding pattern.


So this is what a declaration might look like before:

CComPtr m_spYourInterface;

And this is what it would look like afterwards:

_com_ptr_t<_com_iiid<> > m_spYourInterface;

Additionally you will need to add comip.h to your stdafx.h file, and USE_MSVCRT=1 comsuppw.lib to your TARGETLIBS in the sources file to get your project to compile and link.

Here are some errors you might hit:

file.cpp(776) : error C2039: 'CopyTo' : is not a member of '_com_ptr_t<_iiid>'

The code looks something like this:

hr = m_spObject.CopyTo( ppObject );

Change it to this:

if (
m_spObject) m_spObject.AddRef();
*ppObject = m_spObject;

I guess _com_ptr_t<_iiid> does not provide that method, but the little AddRef and assignment does the same thing.

You might see this linking error as well:
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "void __stdcall _com_issue_error(long)" (?

You need to make sure you enable compiler support for _com_ptr_t smart pointers. Add the following to your sources file:


Friday, October 23, 2009

ATL Removal: Part 3 – Tackling _Module and OBJECT_MAP

In Part 1, we saw how ATL uses com maps to automatically generate the IUnknown implementation and to manage the objects lifetime. In this installment we will tackle the object and lifetime management of the DLL.

Let’s dive into the guts of the DLL management. This is another place that ATL was intended to save time for the developer. If you have an ATL based DLL, you might notice something like this in your main DLL source file.
CComModule _Module;
The _Module object is designed to manage the lifetime of your DLL. You ATL CComObjects objects will automatically call _Module.Lock() and _Module.Unlock(). Awsome! If you use _Module in your ATL based DLL and some non ATL com objects, make sure the lock and unlock _Module in the constructors and destructors respectively; I fixed a bug last year where my DLL was prematurely getting unloaded because of this. The first thing to do to replace _Module is to add:
LONG g_cLockCount = 0;

inline VOID IncModuleCount()
} // IncModuleCount

inline VOID DecModuleCount()
} // DecModuleCount
You DLL can use that to keep track of the active objects so I can know when it is safe to unload.

Next let’s look at the object map. What does that buy for you? It basically provides you a free implementation of IClassFactory. Is it hard to write your own? No, I will show you how right now.
You can create a file called ClassFactory.h that looks like this:
class CClassFactory:
public IClassFactory
// IUnknown
STDMETHODIMP QueryInterface(
REFIID riid,
__deref_out_opt void **ppv);

// IClassFactory
STDMETHODIMP CreateInstance(
__in_opt IUnknown *punkOuter,
__deref_out_opt void **ppv);

BOOL fLock);

// Constructor / Destuctor

LONG m_cRef;
}; // CClassFactory
Now, let’s look at the implementation. Here is the content of ClassFactory.cpp:
#include "stdafx.h"

// Begin CClassFactory implemetation
extern LONG g_cLockCount;

} // CClassFactory::CClassFactory

} // CClassFactory::~CClassFactory

STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CClassFactory::AddRef()
return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef);
} // CClassFactory::AddRef

STDMETHODIMP_(ULONG) CClassFactory::Release()
LONG cRef = InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef);

if (!cRef)
delete this;

return cRef;
} // CClassFactory::Release

STDMETHODIMP CClassFactory::QueryInterface(
REFIID riid,
__deref_out_opt void **ppv)

if (ppv)
*ppv = NULL;

if (S_OK == hr)
if (IID_IUnknown == riid)
*ppv = (IUnknown*)(IClassFactory*)this;
else if (IID_IClassFactory == riid)
*ppv = (IClassFactory*)this;

return hr;
} // CClassFactory::QueryInterface

STDMETHODIMP CClassFactory::CreateInstance(
__in_opt IUnknown *pUnkownOuter,
REFIID riid,
__deref_out_opt void **ppv)
IUnknown *pUnknown = NULL;

if (ppv)
*ppv = NULL;

if (S_OK == hr)
if (pUnkownOuter)

if (S_OK == hr)
pUnknown = new(std::nothrow) CAudioProvider();

if (!pUnknown)

if (S_OK == hr)
hr = pUnknown->QueryInterface(riid, ppv);

if (pUnknown)

return hr;
} // CClassFactory::CreateInstance

STDMETHODIMP CClassFactory::LockServer(
BOOL fLock)
if (fLock)

return S_OK;
} // CClassFactory::LockServer
// End CClassFactory implemetation
Next you will have to fix the rest of the DllMain cpp file. This is what a simple version would look like clean of ATL
extern "C"

HMODULE hModule,
ULONG ulReason,
__in_opt PVOID pReserved)
BOOL fRetVal = TRUE;

if (DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH == ulReason)
// Disable thread attach notifications
fRetVal = DisableThreadLibraryCalls(hModule);

return fRetVal;
} // DllMain

STDAPI DllGetClassObject(
__in REFCLSID rclsid,
__in REFIID riid,
__deref_out LPVOID FAR *ppv)
CClassFactory* pClassFactory = NULL;

if (ppv)
*ppv = NULL;

if (S_OK == hr)
if (CLSID_fdAudio != rclsid)

if (S_OK == hr)
pClassFactory = new(std::nothrow) CClassFactory;

if (!pClassFactory)

if (S_OK == hr)
hr = pClassFactory->QueryInterface(riid, ppv);

if (pClassFactory)

return hr;
} // DLLGetClassObject

return (g_cLockCount == 0) ? S_OK : S_FALSE;
} // DllCanUnloadNow

} // extern "C"
Finally you will have to fix your ATL free com objects in their constructors to increment and decrement the DLL lock count. By calling these:
inline VOID IncModuleCount()
} // IncModuleCount

inline VOID DecModuleCount()
} // DecModuleCount
Hopefully this will get you one step closer to being ATL free.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

ATL Removal: Part 2 – Safely Deleting ATL_NO_VTABLE

As I was going through and purging ATL from my project, I ran into the macro ATL_NO_VTABLE. It appears that some ATL project generators slap that baby into your class definition.

class ATL_NO_VTABLE CYourClass :…

It turns out that it is an optimization “that prevents the vtable pointer from being initialized in the class's constructor and destructor. If the vtable pointer is prevented from being initialized in the class's constructor and destructor, the linker can eliminate the vtable and all of the functions to which it points. Expands to __declspec(novtable).”


It sounds like a good optimization for ATL code since your object will be wrapped by CComObject anyway; however, with normal com code, having the vtable line up with IUnknown is important. In turning your ATL com object into to a regular com object, it is safe to just remove ATL_NO_VTABLE.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

ATL Removal: Part 1 – Removing BEGIN_COM_MAP() and END_COM_MAP()

There are some who feel that ATL is the best thing since sliced bread for COM programming. ATL can abstract a lot of the nitty gritty COM programming away from the COM programmer. My goal today is not to bash ATL. I think it can be a great time saver if used correctly for the right level of code. If you are programming UI, or an IE plugin, go right ahead and use ATL if you like. If you are writing lower level system APIs, please don’t. Also, ATL cannot be used for an excuse for not understanding COM programming or memory management. I have spent the last year fixing lots of bugs because someone didn’t understand what ATL was doing, things like: double frees, double releases, memory leaks, leaked references, and so on. In other words, ATL is not a sliver bullet for API usage ignorance. I don’t like using ATL because: writing straight COM code is not much harder, and ATL makes debugging more annoying. So, in the end for me, ATL does not buy me much, and is somewhat annoying. If you like ATL and know what it is really doing so you use it correctly, go ahead and use it. Independent of my no ATL preference, one API I am maintaining needs to be “low level” and therefore should not depend on ATL, so I am removing ATL from that API.

ATL wants to internally manage the ref counts to your ATL based com object. To do this, it wraps your com object using a template class called CComObject. CComObject basically adds two extra layers to your com object. For debugging, it does make things a little bit more annoying, but it is supposed to manage the lifetime of your object for you.

The first thing to do is to remove the COM_MAP macros needed to set up all of the CComObject hooks. When you have an ATL generated COM object, it creates for you something like this in your header:


Basically these macros help write your IUnknown implementation. Not really that big of a time saver as it is not that hard to implement IUnknown. The first step is to remove COM_MAP macro stuff from your header and swap it for the IUnknown definition. Here is one example that you see often:

STDMETHOD(QueryInterface)(IN REFIID riid, OUT void ** ppv);
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, AddRef)(void);
STDMETHOD_(ULONG, Release)(void);

Next, in your cpp file where you implement your com object, you will need to add the implementation of IUnknown. This too is almost boiler plate.

// Implementation : IUnknown

ULONG CYourInterface::AddRef()
return InterlockedIncrement(&m_cRef);

ULONG CYourInterface::Release()
LONG cRef = InterlockedDecrement(&m_cRef);

if (0 == cRef)
delete this;

return cRef;

HRESULT CYourInterface::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, __deref_out_opt void **ppv)

if (ppv)
*ppv = NULL;

if (S_OK == hr)
if ((__uuidof(IUnknown) == riid) (riid == __uuidof(IYourInterface)))
*ppv = (IYourInterface *)this;

return hr;

Finally make sure that you add a:

LONG m_cRef;

Member in your class, and make sure you initialize it to 1 in your constructor.


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

GPU Accelerated FDTD Using Cg

Apparently there has been some interested in my old GPU accelerated FDTD code implemented in C and Cg. I also had a CUDA version that had a hard time meeting the performance of the Cg version. I will need to check when I get home to see if I can find the other versions. Here is one version that I found on one of my old sites. It looks like it is version 0.1 and about three years old. I know I have a better versions somewhere out there, but this will give you a "taste" until I can find the other versions. Still, there are some interesting aspects of this code. I used an interesting 3D volume packing scheme for 2D textures that you can read about in GPU Gems 2. Also a lot of the guts of this code initially came from Dom's basic math tutorial for Cg.

cg_fdtd: clean
gcc test.c -o cg_fdtd -lglut -lGLEW -lCgGL -lpthread

rm -f cg_fdtd

test: cg_fdtd
./cg_fdtd 256 10

* test.c
* author : Sam Adams
* date : 20061027
* discription : This is my implementation of a basic FDTD using GPU with Cg


#define GLUT_WINDOW_NAME "fdtd window"

typedef enum bool{false, true} bool;
// struct for variable parts of GL calls (texture format, float format etc)
struct struct_textureParameters {
char* name;
GLenum texTarget;
GLenum texInternalFormat;
GLenum texFormat;
char* shader_source;

// struct actually being used (set from command line)
struct struct_textureParameters textureParameters;

int verbose = 1;
int numIterations = 100; //timesteps for fdtd
int texSize = 256;

GLuint glutWindowHandle;
GLuint fb;

enum components{X, Y, Z};

GLuint *exTexID; // these are z slices for fdtd
GLuint *eyTexID; // the +1 is for the output of the calculations
GLuint *ezTexID;
GLuint *hxTexID;
GLuint *hyTexID;
GLuint *hzTexID;
GLuint psTexID, psEmptyTexID;

// Cg vars
CGcontext cgContext;
CGprofile fragmentProfile;
CGprogram fragmentProgram;
////for e fields
CGprogram ex_fp, ey_fp, ez_fp;
CGparameter ex_ps, ex_e, ex_h1, ex_h2, ex_h3, ex_h4, ex_esctc, ex_eincc, ex_ei, ex_edevcn, ex_dei, ex_ecrl1, ex_ecrl2;
CGparameter ey_e, ey_h1, ey_h2, ey_h3, ey_h4, ey_esctc, ey_eincc, ey_ei, ey_edevcn, ey_dei, ey_ecrl1, ey_ecrl2;
CGparameter ez_e, ez_h1, ez_h2, ez_h3, ez_h4, ez_esctc, ez_eincc, ez_ei, ez_edevcn, ez_dei, ez_ecrl1, ez_ecrl2;
////for h fields
CGprogram hx_fp, hy_fp, hz_fp;
CGparameter hx_h, hx_e1, hx_e2, hx_e3, hx_e4, hx_dt, hx_delta1, hx_delta2;
CGparameter hy_h, hy_e1, hy_e2, hy_e3, hy_e4, hy_dt, hy_delta1, hy_delta2;
CGparameter hz_h, hz_e1, hz_e2, hz_e3, hz_e4, hz_dt, hz_delta1, hz_delta2;

float* tmpData;
//fdtd Cg update sources
char *hx_hUpdate_source = \
"float hUpdate ("\
"in float2 coords : TEXCOORD0, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureH, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureE1, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureE2, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureE3, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureE4, "\
"uniform float dt, "\
"uniform float delta1, "\
"uniform float delta2) : COLOR{ "\
"float h = texRECT(textureH, coords); "\
"float e1 = texRECT(textureE1, coords); "\
"float e2 = texRECT(textureE2, coords); "\
"float e3 = texRECT(textureE3, coords+(0.0,1.0)); "\
"float e4 = texRECT(textureE4, coords); "\
"return h + ((dt / 0.0000012566306) *((e1 - e2) / delta1 - (e3 - e4) / delta2)); }";

char *hy_hUpdate_source = \
"float hUpdate ("\
"in float2 coords : TEXCOORD0, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureH, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureE1, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureE2, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureE3, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureE4, "\
"uniform float dt, "\
"uniform float delta1, "\
"uniform float delta2) : COLOR{ "\
"float h = texRECT(textureH, coords); "\
"float e1 = texRECT(textureE1, coords+(1.0,0.0)); "\
"float e2 = texRECT(textureE2, coords); "\
"float e3 = texRECT(textureE3, coords); "\
"float e4 = texRECT(textureE4, coords); "\
"return h + ((dt / 0.0000012566306) *((e1 - e2) / delta1 - (e3 - e4) / delta2)); }";

char *hz_hUpdate_source = \
"float hUpdate ("\
"in float2 coords : TEXCOORD0, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureH, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureE1, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureE2, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureE3, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureE4, "\
"uniform float dt, "\
"uniform float delta1, "\
"uniform float delta2) : COLOR{ "\
"float h = texRECT(textureH, coords); "\
"float e1 = texRECT(textureE1, coords+(0.0,1.0)); "\
"float e2 = texRECT(textureE2, coords); "\
"float e3 = texRECT(textureE3, coords+(1.0,0.0)); "\
"float e4 = texRECT(textureE4, coords); "\
"return h + ((dt / 0.0000012566306) *((e1 - e2) / delta1 - (e3 - e4) / delta2)); }";

char *ex_eUpdate_source = \
"float eUpdate ("\
"in float2 coords : TEXCOORD0, "\
"uniform samplerRECT texturePS, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureE, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureH1, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureH2, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureH3, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureH4, "\
"uniform float esctc, "\
"uniform float eincc, "\
"uniform float ei, "\
"uniform float edevcn, "\
"uniform float dei, "\
"uniform float ecrl1, "\
"uniform float ecrl2 ) : COLOR{ "\
"float ps = texRECT(texturePS, coords); "\
"float e = texRECT(textureE, coords); "\
"float h1 = texRECT(textureH1, coords); "\
"float h2 = texRECT(textureH2, coords+(0.0,1.0)); "\
"float h3 = texRECT(textureH3, coords); "\
"float h4 = texRECT(textureH4, coords); "\
"float tmp = ps;"\
"if(ps != 0.0) tmp = ps;"\
/*"else tmp = e * esctc - eincc * ei - edevcn * dei + (h1 - h2) * ecrl1 - (h3 - h4) * ecrl2;"\*/
"else tmp = e * esctc - eincc * ei - edevcn * dei + ((h1 - h2) * ecrl1) - ((h3 - h4) * ecrl2);"\
"return tmp;}";

//"return e * esctc - eincc * ei - edevcn * dei + (h1 - h2) * ecrl1 - (h3 - h4) * ecrl2;}";
//"return e * esctc - eincc * ei - edevcn * dei + (h1 -h2) * ecrl1;}";

char *ey_eUpdate_source = \
"float eUpdate ("\
"in float2 coords : TEXCOORD0, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureE, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureH1, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureH2, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureH3, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureH4, "\
"uniform float esctc, "\
"uniform float eincc, "\
"uniform float ei, "\
"uniform float edevcn, "\
"uniform float dei, "\
"uniform float ecrl1, "\
"uniform float ecrl2 ) : COLOR{ "\
"float e = texRECT(textureE, coords); "\
"float h1 = texRECT(textureH1, coords); "\
"float h2 = texRECT(textureH2, coords); "\
"float h3 = texRECT(textureH3, coords); "\
"float h4 = texRECT(textureH4, coords+(1.0,0.0)); "\
"return e * esctc - eincc * ei - edevcn * dei + (h1 - h2) * ecrl1 - (h3 - h4) * ecrl2; }";

char *ez_eUpdate_source = \
"float eUpdate ("\
"in float2 coords : TEXCOORD0, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureE, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureH1, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureH2, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureH3, "\
"uniform samplerRECT textureH4, "\
"uniform float esctc, "\
"uniform float eincc, "\
"uniform float ei, "\
"uniform float edevcn, "\
"uniform float dei, "\
"uniform float ecrl1, "\
"uniform float ecrl2 ) : COLOR{ "\
"float e = texRECT(textureE, coords); "\
"float h1 = texRECT(textureH1, coords); "\
"float h2 = texRECT(textureH2, coords+(1.0,0.0)); "\
"float h3 = texRECT(textureH3, coords); "\
"float h4 = texRECT(textureH4, coords+(0.0,1.0)); "\
"return e * esctc - eincc * ei - edevcn * dei + (h1 - h2) * ecrl1 - (h3 - h4) * ecrl2; }";

time_t start, end;

/* prototypes */
void initGLUT(int argc, char **argv);
void initGLEW();
void initFBO();
void createTextures();
void initCG();
void performComputation();
void checkGLErrors (const char *label);
double cpuBench();
void printVector(float *v, int len);
void transferFromTexture(float* data, GLenum fb);
void initMemory();
//void nextSlice(int i);
void transferToTexture(float* data, GLuint texID);

int main(int argc, char **argv){
int i;
time_t start, stop;
float simTime;
double mflops;
FILE *f;

f = fopen("results", "a");

texSize = atoi(argv[1]);
numIterations = atoi(argv[2]);

// int start, stop;
// struct timespec res;
// clock_getres(CLOCK_REALTIME, &res);
textureParameters.name = "TEXRECT - float_NV - R - 32";
textureParameters.texTarget = GL_TEXTURE_RECTANGLE_ARB;
textureParameters.texInternalFormat = GL_FLOAT_R32_NV;
textureParameters.texFormat = GL_LUMINANCE;
// start = clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &res);
start = clock();
if(verbose) fprintf(stderr,"initalizing GLUT\n");
initGLUT(argc, argv);
if(verbose) fprintf(stderr,"initalizing GLEW\n");
if(verbose) fprintf(stderr,"initalizing FBOs\n");
if(verbose) fprintf(stderr,"creating textures\n");
if(verbose) fprintf(stderr,"initalizing Cg\n");
if(verbose) fprintf(stderr,"performing calculations\n");
stop = clock();
simTime = (float)(stop-start)/(float)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
mflops = (double)(63*texSize*texSize*texSize*numIterations)/1000000.0;
printf("time was %f\n", simTime);
return 0;

void initMemory(){
tmpData = (float*)calloc(sizeof(float),texSize*texSize); // to initalize textures to 0.0
exTexID = (GLuint*)malloc(sizeof(GLuint) * texSize);
eyTexID = (GLuint*)malloc(sizeof(GLuint) * texSize);
ezTexID = (GLuint*)malloc(sizeof(GLuint) * texSize);
hxTexID = (GLuint*)malloc(sizeof(GLuint) * texSize);
hyTexID = (GLuint*)malloc(sizeof(GLuint) * texSize);
hzTexID = (GLuint*)malloc(sizeof(GLuint) * texSize);
exLocation = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*texSize);
eyLocation = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*texSize);
ezLocation = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*texSize);
hxLocation = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*texSize);
hyLocation = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*texSize);
hzLocation = (int*)malloc(sizeof(int)*texSize);

exLocation_out = eyLocation_out = ezLocation_out = hxLocation_out = hyLocation_out = hzLocation_out = texSize;*/

void printVector(float *v, int len){
int i;

for(i = 0; i < len; i++) printf("%i)\t%f\n",i,v[i]);

* Checks framebuffer status.
* Copied directly out of the spec, modified to deliver a return value.
int checkFramebufferStatus() {
GLenum status;
status = (GLenum) glCheckFramebufferStatusEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT);
switch(status) {
printf("Framebuffer complete\n");
return 1;
printf("Framebuffer incomplete, incomplete attachment\n");
return 0;
printf("Unsupported framebuffer format\n");
return 0;
printf("Framebuffer incomplete, missing attachment\n");
return 0;
printf("Framebuffer incomplete, attached images must have same dimensions\n");
return 0;
printf("Framebuffer incomplete, attached images must have same format\n");
return 0;
printf("Framebuffer incomplete, missing draw buffer\n");
return 0;
printf("Framebuffer incomplete, missing read buffer\n");
return 0;
printf("Unknown framebuffer status %i\n", (int)status);
return 0;

void checkGLErrors (const char *label) {
GLenum errCode;
const GLubyte *errStr;

if ((errCode = glGetError()) != GL_NO_ERROR) {
errStr = gluErrorString(errCode);
printf("OpenGL ERROR: ");
printf("(Label: ");

* Performs the actual calculation.
void performComputation(){
int i, j;
int tmp;
double total;
double mflops;

start = clock();
// attach textures to FBO
glFramebufferTexture2DEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT, textureParameters.texTarget, exTexID[texSize], 0);
glFramebufferTexture2DEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1_EXT, textureParameters.texTarget, eyTexID[texSize], 0);
glFramebufferTexture2DEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT2_EXT, textureParameters.texTarget, ezTexID[texSize], 0);
// check if that worked
if(!checkFramebufferStatus()) {
printf("glFramebufferTexture2DEXT():\t [FAIL]\n");
exit (-1);
}// else if (mode == 0) {
// printf("glFramebufferTexture2DEXT():\t [PASS]\n");
// }
// enable fragment profile
// bind fdtd program
cgSetParameter1f(ex_esctc, 1.0);
cgSetParameter1f(ex_eincc, 1.0);
cgSetParameter1f(ex_ei, 1.0);
cgSetParameter1f(ex_edevcn, 0.0);
cgSetParameter1f(ex_dei, 0.0);
cgSetParameter1f(ex_ecrl1, 217.51);
cgSetParameter1f(ex_ecrl2, 217.51);

cgSetParameter1f(ey_esctc, 1.0);
cgSetParameter1f(ey_eincc, 0.0);
cgSetParameter1f(ey_ei, 0.0);
cgSetParameter1f(ey_edevcn, 0.0);
cgSetParameter1f(ey_dei, 0.0);
cgSetParameter1f(ey_ecrl1, 217.51);
cgSetParameter1f(ey_ecrl2, 217.51);

cgSetParameter1f(ez_esctc, 1.0);
cgSetParameter1f(ez_eincc, 0.0);
cgSetParameter1f(ez_ei, 0.0);
cgSetParameter1f(ez_edevcn, 0.0);
cgSetParameter1f(ez_dei, 0.0);
cgSetParameter1f(ez_ecrl1, 217.51);
cgSetParameter1f(ez_ecrl2, 217.51);

cgSetParameter1f(hx_dt, 1.0);
cgSetParameter1f(hx_delta1, 1.0);
cgSetParameter1f(hx_delta2, 1.0);

cgSetParameter1f(hy_dt, 1.0);
cgSetParameter1f(hy_delta1, 1.0);
cgSetParameter1f(hy_delta2, 1.0);

cgSetParameter1f(hz_dt, 1.0);
cgSetParameter1f(hz_delta1, 1.0);
cgSetParameter1f(hz_delta2, 1.0);

// sutff that changes should be in the loop...

for(j = 0; j < numIterations; j++){
//printf("iteration %i\n",j);
for(i = 0; i < texSize; i++){
//update x e field
// if(i == texSize/2){
// cgGLSetTextureParameter(ex_ps, psTexID);
// cgGLEnableTextureParameter(ex_ps);
// }
// else{
// cgGLSetTextureParameter(ex_ps, psEmptyTexID);
// cgGLEnableTextureParameter(ex_ps);
// }
cgGLSetTextureParameter(ex_e, exTexID[i]);
cgGLSetTextureParameter(ex_h1, hzTexID[i]);
cgGLSetTextureParameter(ex_h2, hzTexID[i]);
cgGLSetTextureParameter(ex_h3, hyTexID[i]);
// fprintf(stdout,"we are doing --i- %i --i-1- %i %i\n",i, i-1,((i-1 <= 0) ? 0 : i-1));
//if(i) cgGLSetTextureParameter(ex_h4, hyTexID[i-1]);
if(i > 0) cgGLSetTextureParameter(ex_h4, hyTexID[i]);
else cgGLSetTextureParameter(ex_h4, hyTexID[0]);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0);
glVertex2f(0.0, 0.0);
glTexCoord2f(texSize, 0.0);
glVertex2f(texSize, 0.0);
glTexCoord2f(texSize, texSize);
glVertex2f(texSize, texSize);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, texSize);
glVertex2f(0.0, texSize);
//get result
// transferFromTexture(tmpData, hyTexID[i]);
/*if(i == texSize/2){*/// fprintf(stdout,"h%i) hy ps %e\n",i,tmpData[(texSize*texSize)/2 + 1]);
// printVector(tmpData, texSize*texSize);
transferFromTexture(tmpData, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT);
transferToTexture(tmpData, exTexID[i]);
// if(i == texSize/2){ fprintf(stdout,"e%i) ex ps %e\n",j,tmpData[(texSize*texSize)/2 + 1]);
// printVector(tmpData, texSize*texSize);
// }
//update y e field
cgGLSetTextureParameter(ey_e, eyTexID[i]);
cgGLSetTextureParameter(ey_h1, hxTexID[i]);
cgGLSetTextureParameter(ey_h2, hxTexID[((i-1 < 0) ? 0 : i-1)]);
cgGLSetTextureParameter(ey_h3, hzTexID[i]);
cgGLSetTextureParameter(ey_h4, hyTexID[i]);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0);
glVertex2f(0.0, 0.0);
glTexCoord2f(texSize, 0.0);
glVertex2f(texSize, 0.0);
glTexCoord2f(texSize, texSize);
glVertex2f(texSize, texSize);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, texSize);
glVertex2f(0.0, texSize);
//get result
transferFromTexture(tmpData, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1_EXT);
transferToTexture(tmpData, eyTexID[i]);

// if(i == texSize/2){ fprintf(stdout,"e%i) ey ps %e\n",j,tmpData[(texSize*texSize)/2 + 1]);
// printVector(tmpData, texSize*texSize);
// }
//update z e field
cgGLSetTextureParameter(ez_e, ezTexID[i]);
cgGLSetTextureParameter(ez_h1, hyTexID[i]);
cgGLSetTextureParameter(ez_h2, hyTexID[i]);
cgGLSetTextureParameter(ez_h3, hxTexID[i]);
cgGLSetTextureParameter(ez_h4, hxTexID[i]);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0);
glVertex2f(0.0, 0.0);
glTexCoord2f(texSize, 0.0);
glVertex2f(texSize, 0.0);
glTexCoord2f(texSize, texSize);
glVertex2f(texSize, texSize);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, texSize);
glVertex2f(0.0, texSize);
//get result
transferFromTexture(tmpData, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT2_EXT);
transferToTexture(tmpData, ezTexID[i]);

// if(i == texSize/2){ fprintf(stdout,"e%i) ez ps %e\n",j,tmpData[(texSize*texSize)/2 + 1]);
// printVector(tmpData, texSize*texSize);
// }
//update x h field
cgGLSetTextureParameter(hx_h, hxTexID[i]);
cgGLSetTextureParameter(hx_e1, eyTexID[i+1]);
cgGLSetTextureParameter(hx_e2, eyTexID[i]);
cgGLSetTextureParameter(hx_e3, ezTexID[i]);
cgGLSetTextureParameter(hx_e4, ezTexID[i]);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0);
glVertex2f(0.0, 0.0);
glTexCoord2f(texSize, 0.0);
glVertex2f(texSize, 0.0);
glTexCoord2f(texSize, texSize);
glVertex2f(texSize, texSize);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, texSize);
glVertex2f(0.0, texSize);
//get result
transferFromTexture(tmpData, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0_EXT);
transferToTexture(tmpData, hxTexID[i]);
// if(i == texSize/2){ fprintf(stdout,"h%i) hx ps %e\n",j,tmpData[(texSize*texSize)/2 + 1]);
// printVector(tmpData, texSize*texSize);
// }

//update y h field
cgGLSetTextureParameter(hy_h, hyTexID[i]);
cgGLSetTextureParameter(hy_e1, ezTexID[i]);
cgGLSetTextureParameter(hy_e2, ezTexID[i]);
cgGLSetTextureParameter(hy_e3, exTexID[i+1]);
cgGLSetTextureParameter(hy_e4, exTexID[i]);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0);
glVertex2f(0.0, 0.0);
glTexCoord2f(texSize, 0.0);
glVertex2f(texSize, 0.0);
glTexCoord2f(texSize, texSize);
glVertex2f(texSize, texSize);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, texSize);
glVertex2f(0.0, texSize);
//get result
transferFromTexture(tmpData, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1_EXT);
transferToTexture(tmpData, hyTexID[i]);

// if(i == texSize/2){ fprintf(stdout,"h%i) hy ps %e\n",j,tmpData[(texSize*texSize)/2 + 1]);
// printVector(tmpData, texSize*texSize);
// }
//update z h field
cgGLSetTextureParameter(hz_h, hzTexID[i]);
cgGLSetTextureParameter(hz_e1, exTexID[i]);
cgGLSetTextureParameter(hz_e2, exTexID[i]);
cgGLSetTextureParameter(hz_e3, eyTexID[i]);
cgGLSetTextureParameter(hz_e4, eyTexID[i]);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, 0.0);
glVertex2f(0.0, 0.0);
glTexCoord2f(texSize, 0.0);
glVertex2f(texSize, 0.0);
glTexCoord2f(texSize, texSize);
glVertex2f(texSize, texSize);
glTexCoord2f(0.0, texSize);
glVertex2f(0.0, texSize);
//get result
transferFromTexture(tmpData, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT2_EXT);
transferToTexture(tmpData, hzTexID[i]);
// if(i == texSize/2){ fprintf(stdout,"h%i) hz ps %e\n",j,tmpData[(texSize*texSize)/2 + 1]);
// printVector(tmpData, texSize*texSize);
// }
// done, stop timer, calc MFLOP/s if neccessary
// glFinish();
// end = clock();
// total = (double)(end-start)/(double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
// mflops = (double)((3*12 + 3*9)*texSize*texSize*texSize*numIterations) / (total * 1000000.0);
// printf("GPU MFLOP/s for N=%d:\t\t%f\n",texSize, mflops);
// done, just do some checks if everything went smoothly.
// transferFromTexture(tmpData);
// printVector(tmpData, texSize*texSize);
//printVector(dataX, texSize*texSize);

// do cpu comarison
// printf("GPU speedup %f\n \n", cpuBench()/total);

void transferFromTexture(float* data, GLenum fb){
// version (a): texture is attached
// recommended on both NVIDIA and ATI
glReadPixels(0, 0, texSize, texSize,textureParameters.texFormat,GL_FLOAT,data);

void cgErrorCallback(){
CGerror lastError = cgGetError();
if(lastError) {

* Sets up the Cg runtime and creates shader.
void initCG(void) {
// set up Cg
cgContext = cgCreateContext();
fragmentProfile = cgGLGetLatestProfile(CG_GL_FRAGMENT);
// create fragment program
ex_fp = cgCreateProgram(cgContext, CG_SOURCE, ex_eUpdate_source, fragmentProfile, "eUpdate", NULL);
ey_fp = cgCreateProgram(cgContext, CG_SOURCE, ey_eUpdate_source, fragmentProfile, "eUpdate", NULL);
ez_fp = cgCreateProgram(cgContext, CG_SOURCE, ez_eUpdate_source, fragmentProfile, "eUpdate", NULL);

hx_fp = cgCreateProgram(cgContext, CG_SOURCE, hx_hUpdate_source, fragmentProfile, "hUpdate", NULL);
hy_fp = cgCreateProgram(cgContext, CG_SOURCE, hy_hUpdate_source, fragmentProfile, "hUpdate", NULL);
hz_fp = cgCreateProgram(cgContext, CG_SOURCE, hz_hUpdate_source, fragmentProfile, "hUpdate", NULL);
// // load programs
//and get parameter handles by name
ex_ps = cgGetNamedParameter(ex_fp, "texturePS");
ex_e = cgGetNamedParameter(ex_fp, "textureE");
ex_h1 = cgGetNamedParameter(ex_fp, "textureH1");
ex_h2 = cgGetNamedParameter(ex_fp, "textureH2");
ex_h3 = cgGetNamedParameter(ex_fp, "textureH3");
ex_h4 = cgGetNamedParameter(ex_fp, "textureH4");
ex_esctc = cgGetNamedParameter(ex_fp, "esctc");
ex_eincc = cgGetNamedParameter(ex_fp, "eincc");
ex_ei = cgGetNamedParameter(ex_fp, "ei");
ex_edevcn = cgGetNamedParameter(ex_fp, "edevcn");
ex_dei = cgGetNamedParameter(ex_fp, "dei");
ex_ecrl1 = cgGetNamedParameter(ex_fp, "ecrl1");
ex_ecrl2 = cgGetNamedParameter(ex_fp, "ecrl2");
ey_e = cgGetNamedParameter(ey_fp, "textureE");
ey_h1 = cgGetNamedParameter(ey_fp, "textureH1");
ey_h2 = cgGetNamedParameter(ey_fp, "textureH2");
ey_h3 = cgGetNamedParameter(ey_fp, "textureH3");
ey_h4 = cgGetNamedParameter(ey_fp, "textureH4");
ey_esctc = cgGetNamedParameter(ey_fp, "esctc");
ey_eincc = cgGetNamedParameter(ey_fp, "eincc");
ey_ei = cgGetNamedParameter(ey_fp, "ei");
ey_edevcn = cgGetNamedParameter(ey_fp, "edevcn");
ey_dei = cgGetNamedParameter(ey_fp, "dei");
ey_ecrl1 = cgGetNamedParameter(ey_fp, "ecrl1");
ey_ecrl2 = cgGetNamedParameter(ey_fp, "ecrl2");
ez_e = cgGetNamedParameter(ez_fp, "textureE");
ez_h1 = cgGetNamedParameter(ez_fp, "textureH1");
ez_h2 = cgGetNamedParameter(ez_fp, "textureH2");
ez_h3 = cgGetNamedParameter(ez_fp, "textureH3");
ez_h4 = cgGetNamedParameter(ez_fp, "textureH4");
ez_esctc = cgGetNamedParameter(ez_fp, "esctc");
ez_eincc = cgGetNamedParameter(ez_fp, "eincc");
ez_ei = cgGetNamedParameter(ez_fp, "ei");
ez_edevcn = cgGetNamedParameter(ez_fp, "edevcn");
ez_dei = cgGetNamedParameter(ez_fp, "dei");
ez_ecrl1 = cgGetNamedParameter(ez_fp, "ecrl1");
ez_ecrl2 = cgGetNamedParameter(ez_fp, "ecrl2");
hx_h = cgGetNamedParameter(hx_fp, "textureH");
hx_e1 = cgGetNamedParameter(hx_fp, "textureE1");
hx_e2 = cgGetNamedParameter(hx_fp, "textureE2");
hx_e3 = cgGetNamedParameter(hx_fp, "textureE3");
hx_e4 = cgGetNamedParameter(hx_fp, "textureE4");
hx_dt = cgGetNamedParameter(hx_fp, "dt");
hx_delta1 = cgGetNamedParameter(hx_fp, "delta1");
hx_delta2 = cgGetNamedParameter(hx_fp, "delta2");
hy_h = cgGetNamedParameter(hy_fp, "textureH");
hy_e1 = cgGetNamedParameter(hy_fp, "textureE1");
hy_e2 = cgGetNamedParameter(hy_fp, "textureE2");
hy_e3 = cgGetNamedParameter(hy_fp, "textureE3");
hy_e4 = cgGetNamedParameter(hy_fp, "textureE4");
hy_dt = cgGetNamedParameter(hy_fp, "dt");
hy_delta1 = cgGetNamedParameter(hy_fp, "delta1");
hy_delta2 = cgGetNamedParameter(hy_fp, "delta2");
hz_h = cgGetNamedParameter(hz_fp, "textureH");
hz_e1 = cgGetNamedParameter(hz_fp, "textureE1");
hz_e2 = cgGetNamedParameter(hz_fp, "textureE2");
hz_e3 = cgGetNamedParameter(hz_fp, "textureE3");
hz_e4 = cgGetNamedParameter(hz_fp, "textureE4");
hz_dt = cgGetNamedParameter(hz_fp, "dt");
hz_delta1 = cgGetNamedParameter(hz_fp, "delta1");
hz_delta2 = cgGetNamedParameter(hz_fp, "delta2");

* Transfers data to texture.
* Check web page for detailed explanation on the difference between ATI and NVIDIA.
void transferToTexture (float* data, GLuint texID) {
// version (a): HW-accelerated on NVIDIA
glBindTexture(textureParameters.texTarget, texID);

* Sets up a floating point texture with NEAREST filtering.
* (mipmaps etc. are unsupported for floating point textures)
void setupTexture (const GLuint texID) {
// make active and bin
int err;
// turn off filtering and wrap modes
glTexParameteri(textureParameters.texTarget, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_NEAREST);
glTexParameteri(textureParameters.texTarget, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_NEAREST);
glTexParameteri(textureParameters.texTarget, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP);
glTexParameteri(textureParameters.texTarget, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP);
// define texture with floating point format
// define texture with floating point format
// check if that worked
if(err = glGetError() != GL_NO_ERROR){
printf("glTexImage2D():\t\t\t [FAIL]\n");
// else if(mode == 0){
printf("glTexImage2D():\t\t\t [PASS]\n");
// }
printf("Created a %i by %i floating point texture.\n",texSize,texSize);

void createTextures(){
int i;
// create textures
glGenTextures(texSize+1, exTexID);
glGenTextures(texSize+1, eyTexID);
glGenTextures(texSize+1, ezTexID);
glGenTextures(texSize+1, hxTexID);
glGenTextures(texSize+1, hyTexID);
glGenTextures(texSize+1, hzTexID);
glGenTextures(1, &psTexID);
glGenTextures(1, &psEmptyTexID);

tmpData[(texSize*texSize)/2] = 5.0;
transferToTexture(tmpData, psTexID);
tmpData[(texSize*texSize)/2] = 0.0;
transferToTexture(tmpData, psEmptyTexID);

// set up textures
for(i = 0; i <= texSize; i++){
transferToTexture(tmpData, exTexID[i]);
transferToTexture(tmpData, eyTexID[i]);
transferToTexture(tmpData, ezTexID[i]);
transferToTexture(tmpData, hxTexID[i]);
transferToTexture(tmpData, hyTexID[i]);
transferToTexture(tmpData, hzTexID[i]);
// set texenv mode from modulate (the default) to replace)
// check if something went completely wrong
checkGLErrors ("createFBOandTextures()");

* Creates framebuffer object, binds it to reroute rendering operations
* from the traditional framebuffer to the offscreen buffer
void initFBO(){
// create FBO (off-screen framebuffer)
glGenFramebuffersEXT(1, &fb);
// bind offscreen framebuffer (that is, skip the window-specific render target)
glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, fb);
// viewport for 1:1 pixel=texture mapping
gluOrtho2D(0.0, texSize, 0.0, texSize);
glViewport(0, 0, texSize, texSize);

void initGLEW (void) {
int err = glewInit();
if (GLEW_OK != err) {
fprintf(stderr,"error: %s\n",(char*)glewGetErrorString(err));

void initGLUT(int argc, char **argv){
glutInit(&argc, argv);
glutWindowHandle = glutCreateWindow(GLUT_WINDOW_NAME);

How To Use the String Stream implementation of ISequentialStream

Someone the other day asked how do they use the ISequentialStream string class I implemented.

Here is the original post on the string stream implementation.

This is how you would use it.

ISequentialStream *pStream = NULL;
IXmlReader *pReader = NULL;

hr = GetXmlString(&pszXml);

if (S_OK == hr)
hr = CStringStream::Create(pszXml, &pStream);

if (S_OK == hr)
hr = CreateXmlReader(__uuidof(IXmlReader), (void**)&pReader, NULL);

if (S_OK == hr)
hr = pReader->SetInput(pStream);

// rest of your xml parsing here.

// cleanup
if (pReader)

if (pStream)

if (pszXml)

Making Your Function Discovery (FD) Provider Run In Proc

I was looking through my basic FD provider sample that I wrote a few months ago and realized that I can't directly publish it on the Internet. I don't want to provide a sample that doesn't do anything real, so I will need to rewrite a new provider sample that publishable and is realistic. In the mean time, if you want to push ahead and try writing your own provider, it is actually not that hard. First, you need to do the standard things for making a new DLL: DLLMain, DLLGetClassObject, implement IClassFactory, et cetera. Then, you need to implement IFunctionDiscoveryProvider. That is it. Well, to get it to work, you will also have to make the proper registrations (hint: use the in box providers registry keys as an example). The second problem will be that your provider will have to implement all of the PnPX stuff to be loaded out of proc because FD will only load known providers inproc by default. If you want to ship a provider, pnpx should be your end game especially if you are doing network type providers. While you are learning the basics, there is a trick to get your FD client to load your non pnpx provider inproc. Note, this is done on the client or provider consumer side. This is how you would do that. I will try to provide a complete sample later if time permits.

hr = pPnpQuery->AddQueryConstraint(

Unit Testing

Since we are between product cycles, they want us to be writing tests and not making changes on the product code until initial planning is done. Testing is like hygiene, not specifically fun, but necessary. Writing unit tests is not my favorite thing to do, but it is need if you want to have quality in your code. So, I went about figuring out how to setup good unit tests in our build environment and how to automate them. I won't go in to those details because they are unique to our environment, but I will provide some slides for a presentation that I gave to my team.

Unit Testing
What Is a Unit Test?
• Unit: smallest testable part of a program: functions, classes, methods
• Validates correct behavior of the unit
• Ideally independent of the other unit tests
• They should cover most code paths
• Generally a white box testing method that is close to the code implementation
• First line of testing
• Should be written in conjunction with the unit of code

What Isn’t Unit Testing?
• A catchall for every bug
• Replacement for other testing
• Functional testing: validates code functions to spec (higher level and more black box than unit tests)
• Integration testing: tests how the units are put together

Why Write Unit Tests?
• Finds bugs early in the development cycle
• Gives confidence that the units you are writing are behaving correctly
• Provides quick feedback if functionality has inadvertently been regressed
• Simplifies refactoring
• Gives confidence when you make late milestone changes
• Documents and defines correct unit behavior

Dev IC Workflow
• Spec & design
• Product code & unit tests
• Check in
• Automation

Unit Test Writing Work Flow
Test Driven Development
TDD Cycle
• Write a test
• Run all unit tests – the new test should fail
• Write some code – write enough code to pass the test
• Run all unit tests – the new test should now pass
• Refactor – clean up the code and tests as needed
• Repeat steps 1-5 until all code units are complete

TDD Benefits
• Promotes better design since you must think about using the API before writing them
• Heavy debugging is rarely needed
• Many of the bugs are found even before it is checked in
• Promotes good unit test coverage
• Discourages code creep
• Unit tests are easier to write before than after